Customs House Museum

Customs House is a historic landmark which sits on the banks of the Macintyre River on the QLD side of the historic state border bridge.
Wheelchair Accessible
Goondiwindi Region

Customs House Museum

Customs House is the Museum's main building and is a local historic landmark.

The Goondiwindi Customs House is situated on land purchased on the 27th July 1863 for six pounds two shillings by Matthew Maher a Police Constable. Oral history records that the building was used by the New South Wales Customs Department officers based in Goondiwindi, for the collection of duties on goods crossing into New South Wales.

The Museum takes a step back in time with histories, photographs, displays and artefacts used by the early pioneers of Goondiwindi. Learn about the history and growth of the wool industry and agriculture in Goondiwindi. See photos of the floods of Goondiwindi and how the Levee has saved the town.